Click on the name, not the bar.


Birthday: June 15th


Colors: Pink & purple


Sports Teams: Kansas Jayhawks


Beverages & Coffee Shop Order: White Chocolate Mocha, Strawberry Acai - Starbucks


Snacks: Chips (Jalepeno Kettle Chips, Barbeque Pringles). Anything sweet (macarons, chocolate chip cookies, cheesecake, etc.)


Sweet Treats & Candy: Peanut M&M's, Twizzler Pull & Peels


Carry Out Restaurant(s): Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, Panera, Freddy's


Sit Down Restaurant(s): K-Pot, Kyoto Steak & Sushi, Joe's KC


Nail Salon/Spa: Anywhere close to school


Stores/Places to Shop: Target & Amazon


Hobbies: Spending time with my family, shopping


Other Favorites/Additional Info: We love exploring as a family. Let us know your favorite places to go in Kansas!


How can parents help you the most? Take home projects (cutting, lamination, etc)




Birthday: January 17th


Colors: Black, pink and mauve


Sports Teams: KU, Royals, Chiefs, Sporting KC


Beverages & Coffee Shop Order: Sonic - diet cherry limeade or grape slush. Starbucks - honey almond flat white or London fog with almond milk and cinnamon on the top. Water & unsweetened iced tea, Fresca. 


Snacks: Ranch Bugles, honey roasted peanuts, Dot's pretzels, Guys BBQ chips


Sweet Treats & Candy: Chewy Sweet Tarts, Laffy Taffy, Chewy Sprees, Lemonheads


Carry Out Restaurant(s): Panera, Pickleman's, Hawaiian Bros


Sit Down Restaurant(s): Tavern at Mission Farms, Red Door Grill, Firebirds


Nail Salon/Spa: D'Nail Bar & Spa at Briarcliff


Stores/Places to Shop: Hill & Hazel, TeaElla, Old Navy


Hobbies: Pickleball, reading, taking care of plants (succulents), crafting, shopping


I have too many: Knickknacks! Coffee cups, coffees, socks, random objects


How can parents help you the most? Volunteer for field trips, help cup out lamination and such, organize items, support the classroom wish list. 



Birthday: May 13th


Colors: Red


Sports Teams: Kansas State, Chiefs


Beverages & Coffee Shop Order: Black coffee


Snacks: Trail Mix


Sweet Treats & Candy: frosted sugar cookies, peanut M&Ms, Crumbl cookies


Carry Out Restaurant(s): Chick Fil A, Chipotle


Sit Down Restaurant(s): J. Alexander's


Dietary Restrictions: No allergies, but I try to stay away from gluten.


Nail Salon/Spa: Simplicite Nails


Stores/Places to Shop: Amelia's Boutique


Hobbies: Tennis


I have too many: Mugs, candles


Other Favorites/Additional Info: I love dark chocolate, red wine, and coffee. I buy a lot of things for the classroom from Amazon. 


How can parents help you the most? Read to your student each night. Volunteer in the classroom.



Birthday: October 20th


Colors: Blue


Sports Teams: KU & Chiefs


Beverages & Coffee Shop Order: Starbucks Hot White Chocolate Mocha / Smoothie King - Banana Berry Treat


Snacks: Chex Mix, Dots Pretzels, Flavor Blasted Goldfish


Sweet Treats & Candy: Kit Kats, Crumbl Cookies, Bundt Cakes, Starbursts


Carry Out Restaurant(s): Chick Fila, Panda Express


Sit Down Restaurant(s): Texas Roadhouse, Longhorn, Red Door Grill


Dietary Restrictions: Grape allergy


Nail Salon/Spa: Awesome Nails & Wax (Olathe)


Stores/Places to Shop: Amazon & Target


Hobbies: Baking, cooking, painting, crafting


I have too many: Notepads & coffee mugs


How can parents help you the most? Replenish classroom supplies throughout the year - tissues/hand sanitizer/clorox wipes.